This design makes the most of the old agricultural yard surrounding beautifully converted residential barns, set in the idyllic East Suffolk countryside.
Hard and soft materials are carefully chosen to sensitively integrate the garden with the character of the barns and the local landscape setting.
Sweeping, curving pathways lead through the garden, connecting various destination points and seating areas.
Naturalistic planting design flows throughout the garden, set a restrained hardscape of limestone pavers and gravel. This palette sits harmoniously with the beautiful agricultural, rural materiality of the barns, old garden walls and Suffolk landscape setting.
Perennial planting areas wrap around main seating areas, while expanses of wildflower meadow feature an inviting firepit seating spot in the sun.
This old agricultural yard benefits from characterful old walls. In the most secluded part of garden an intimate walled gravel garden is created.
The language of loose naturalistic planting, multi-stem feature crabapple trees, structural beech hedging, and hardscape materiality continue here.
The planting palette itself subtly varies from elsewhere in the garden, to give this gravel garden its own character while still feeling unified and coherent with the wider scheme.
Spaces are carefully shaped with clipped beech hedges and multi-stem trees, providing distinct but visually unified spaces around the garden.
On arrival, a minimalist arrangement of ornamental grass planting, clipped beech hedges, and a feature tree (a multi-stem acer campestre) creates a striking composition that simultaneously provides an inviting welcome and privacy for the rest of the garden.